It's been a few weeks!

 I haven't posted here for a few weeks due to real life!  But I've been running and getting ready for this upcoming race in 2 weeks time.  

Things have been going well...until recently.  I've been running 5 days a week and getting a couple of workouts in each week.  One workout is hard and the other isn't as hard.  However the last two times that I've run I haven't been feeling it.  Just felt kinda blah.  I got the runs done but on today's long run I cut it short by about 4 minutes and did not do any faster paced work which I've been doing on most of my long runs as of late.  I have a few theories as to why this might be the case. 

Since I've started running 5 days a week my body hasn't caught up until now.  I've actually been gaining weight the last couple of weeks so I wonder if my body is under a lot more stress with this additional day or running.  So I've backed off trying to lose weight and am just going to try and maintain for a few weeks.  This next theory is pretty far fetched at this point but I'm going to through it out there.  I had my doctors appointment a few weeks ago where I had to abstain from eating for what ended up being close to 36 hours.  I wonder if my body is in the phase of "I'm not going to lose anymore weight you just came through a period of starvation".  This is more for the lack of weight loss side of things.  

I have a my hardest workout of this build up this next week.  It's supposed to be on Monday but I'm wondering if I need to push it to Tuesday or Wednesday given how I've been feeling.  I think I'll keep it Monday and the rest of the week I'll just do slow and easy.  If I'm feeling it maybe I'll do a speed of speed on my Saturday long run but end the end I don't want to push it to much.  

I'm feeling excited about this race but I am also tempering expectations.  I don't know if my CP is right which is a big guiding factor for this race.  On the other hand some of the paces I've been running feel easier than what I thought they would be.  Additionally this is an out and back course and I'm told that on the way out you usually have a tail wind and it's slightly down hill and then on the way back it's wind in your face and slightly uphill.  So I'm tempering my expectations. But I would like to go sub 26! I think it's possible if my CP is near where it says it is AND the weather is not to windy and we don't have snow.  Only time will tell. 

Run happy!


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