A race on the calendar!

 I didn't expect to race again this year but there was a race that came up for early November so I went for it.  In all honestly I needed this.  It's a very long stretch from late August until sometime in the next year to not have something specific to train for. So this race was put on the schedule.  It's just a 5K race but it's reinvigorated me to get training for something specific.  Here's my plan. 

This next week I'm just going to run like I have been running. So that means on Monday it will just be a very short run (25 minutes most likely) on the treadmill. Tuesday will be an outdoor workout of some sort.  I'm not sure what that will be but it will done at lunch time during work...if the weather permits.  I will run either on Wednesday or Thursday just depending on how I feel.  It will be another session like Monday. Friday will be the same.  On Saturday where I usually have a long run I will do a critical power (CP) test to see where I'm really at.  Usually I do CP tests with a bit of rest and this might be a bit dangerous but I'm going to do it anyways.  Not a lot of time to build up for this race.  If I feel a bit worn down I will take a couple of easy days the next week (I'll have family in town anyways).  And then I'll start to build up again.  I'm not really sure what I'll be doing but I'll report that when I get there.  

But this week of running was really good.  The highlights was the Tuesday workout. Where it was a 20 minute warm up and then 1 minute at current critical power.  This seemed a bit easy.  Not going to say that my CP is higher than what it is right now but the one minute didn't seem that hard (I actually think my CP will go down...I hope it doesn't however!).  And then my long run today was incredible.  It was a 47 minute warm up that felt great.  Just super easy and it just flowed. One of those runs that make you enjoy running.  After that the pace was pushed a bit for 18 minutes which didn't feel hard but by the end of it I was glad it was over.  After that a simple 5 minute cool down and we were done.  

Happy running!


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