Week 13 - 5K specific training

 This was the first week where we put in some specific 5K training.  I feel kind of foolish even saying this or even writing about it.  But I'm going to!  

As I posted previously, my CP went up to 306, so my Stryd Race Predicted time has me racing at 312 (at the time) and I had 4 minutes at 5K pace with 3 minutes recover on Wednesday.  So that's what I did.  It was a lot of work but I'm hoping that as I get close to the race it will pay off. 

This coming week I don't have any specific race pace stuff but I do have 12 strides (30 seconds with 1 minute rest).  On Monday we have "tempo" which is our half marathon pace...LOL!  But I really feel like running at something faster than what we have in the past ran at is helping us.  My pacing, so far, has been faster than it has been in the past and I'm kind of excited about that.  Now I'm not going to set a new 5K PR...I believe but I think my trail race in late August has a chance of going sub 50 minutes which I'm pretty stoked about.  But I'm not trying to get ahead of myself on that one.  Just one day at a time and one brick at a time.  I'd love to see my "easy" pace be at 10 minute miles for as "slow" as that sounds I'd be so excited. 

One other thing.  I've decided for the next couple of weeks I'm going to focus on maintaining my weight rather than losing it.  I've been dieting since the end of January so I feel like it's time to give the body a break and feed it a bit more. I still want to hit that 199 by the end of the year but for now I'm going to feed it some more and see what happens.  I'm also hoping that it will help with our running as we head into the race.  

Hope everyone's running is going well and you are staying healthy. 


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