Where has common sense gone?

As I start writing this we are one week from Trump leaving office and Biden being our new president and still I see Trump followers saying the election was stolen or there was wide spread fraud.  To that I say where is your proof? Why have we not seen proof up to this point?  I will say I believe there is fraud on both sides of this election in small amounts but not to the amount that Trump followers think there is.  

If there is this widespread fraud and the election was stolen why have we not seen anything that might cause us to doubt the election?  In this day and age when people want to go viral or get social media famous.  Can you imagine what it would take to coordinate an effort like that?  Perhaps I should take a step back.  One theory I have heard is that the local county/city officials in various states (the one's that are in question...Georgia, Michigan etc) have caused this to happen.  If this has happened to put a new president in place I can't believe someone hasn't spoken up before or we have seen a video pop up on Youtube (or some place else) showing the fraud in some aspect...any aspect.  And before someone says "the media is covering it up" I can't believe that.  It would take an immense amount of man power for Youtube, Facebook or any other "media" companies to deny a video like that from popping up.  Eventually those places would find it and might remove it but not before millions of people have seen it.  At least that's what I imagine.  This is one of the reason's I find it hard to believe that the election was stolen.   

One thing I just thought of today is if there had been a different sitting Republican president, say George W Bush, would we be going thru the same thing? I personally don't think we would.  I think it's because people "worship" this idol (Trump) that they are fighting this.  

Throughout Trumps presidency we haven't heard much from Vice President Pence.  However when his back was against the wall it appears that he stood up and did what was right.  This was an interesting article and I'm glad to hear that he did what he did.  I don't know about his choice to not impeach or invoke the 25th amendment.   I think we will only know if he made the right decision in a few weeks. 

 Lastly I'm still amazed by people I know and respect who have thrown all in with this idol.  People who I respect and think well of continue to follow this man and I just can't figure it out.  It makes me sad. It makes me worry about our country as we go forward and if we will ever be able to over come this.  Maybe I'm missing something.  


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