Nobody blogs anymore
I don't know why but as of late I've really been enjoying reading and writing. I've always been a good reader, a fast reader, but I find myself slowing down as I read and really paying attention to the craft of writing or just not skimming as much. As such this spurred me on to do a brief search of some online blogs that I might be able to read on a daily basis or even a weekly basis. But what I found, on my brief search, was that no on blogs anymore. What was a blog is now a full on business and as much as I can admire people doing that I just can't seem to people who are writing about "stuff" on a daily or weekly basis. In some cases these haven't been updated in years. I've never been good about keeping a consistent schedule of writing so for those that do, and I'm sure there are still a few out there, congratulations to you. You are a diamond in the rough in my mind. Maybe this lack of other blogs will cause me to post more even ...