This thing called running
After a long break I'm back to running and I've got that itch. I just want to run all the time! I'm sure at some point every runner is like this. Things feel good and all of the races seem possible. I'm not putting many miles in at this point. I'm just building back up. Currently maybe 6-8 miles per week...yeah not a lot. Hopefully that becomes more over time but I also don't want to rush things.
I spent some time, after I started running again, reflecting on my hypothyroidism and I think part of that has to do with my running and not cycling things. I wasn't getting any better or faster as I was training and I think I was just over trained all of the time. So as I head into this next running season, if you will, I'm really paying attention to how I feel and making sure that I don't go overboard. It also helps that I'm getting blood draws every 3-4 months to make sure things are staying good. On top of that I have FINALLY started to lose weight. I'm about 1 pound away from a weight I haven't been at in 15+ years. That's pretty exciting.
I'm not really sure where this running thing will go this year or even if I will do it after my trail race in late August (this is the one race I have consistently done each year for the past...6 years maybe?). I still at times dream about running a 50K trail race, for whatever reason, but I don't know if that will be possible. In order to do that I've got to get faster than my snails pace right now.
Just some random thoughts I've been having the past few days!
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