Week 2 Long Run
Today was the long run. I wasn't sure what to expect on this but I was going to concentrate on keeping my heart rate low. And overall I think I did a pretty good job. My intention was to run for 65 minutes but as I hit 65 minutes I was still feeling good and was still a bit away from home. So I ran for a few more minutes and went slightly over 70 minutes. Which I'm really happy with. At 55 minutes I picked it up a bit. While I'm trying this slow running I think having some speed in there is important. Lets call it a fast finish. So I ran 10 minutes at a faster pace and then had 5 minutes cool down. Overall a great feeling and I'm excited to run again. I'm not sure what I'm going to do this next week. Maybe some strides on Wednesday but we will see. I have some vacation time so I might be able to do a bit more! Here's a screenshot of my long run. As you can see not super long and not a lot of power but I'm not worrying about tha...