
Showing posts from May, 2022

Running blabber!

 I've had a draft post about my running 2022 goals.  Obviously that time has passed and even in that time a lot has changed.  Originally, and I probably mentioned it here, I was going for a trail race 30K in a couple of weeks in Bryce Canyon Utah.  Well for various reason's that's not going to happen. What I'm 99.99% sure will happen is that I will run my first half marathon on the 29th of May.  So just about a little over a week out.  So that's what I've been training for after I decided to not to the Bryce Canyon run.  It's worth explaining why I'm not doing the Bryce Canyon run.  The main thing is that it was to much in my head.  I'd been training for it since December I think.  And it just kept getting bigger and bigger in my head.  Along the way I got sick, which is no biggie.  I took a few days off. What was a bigger deal was that I also had a bout of sudden onset of vertigo.  This took me out for a week.  Now it was far enough out that I was f