
Showing posts from September, 2021

Critical Power Test - September 2021

Yesterday morning, the 27th, I did a critical power test.  I think workout in the Stryd application said it was a critical power calibration but for all purposes it was a critical power test.  The prescription was to warm up for 5 minutes, run hard for 20 minutes, recover for 5 minutes, run extremely hard for 30 seconds and then cool down for 5 minutes.   In typical fashion I had been thinking about this for two or more days prior to the event. Where was I going to run? Should I include a hill? What if it's really windy?  Is 5 minutes warm up enough?  Should I do this on the treadmill since it will be treadmill time shortly? You get the idea!   Since this was not scheduled to be as long as I normally run in the mornings I slept in for a few minutes and was out on the road, lit up, at 5:25AM.  The route I ended up choosing was mostly flat but there was some downhill and some uphill.  But they were both very slight in nature!   After 5 minutes of running I went off and began my hard

The Long Run

 Saturday's are my long run days most of the time.  Today was no different.  Last weekend my long run wasn't as long as I had wanted because I started to get light headed after about 30 minutes so I cut it short and only ran for 45 minutes. So I was looking forward to today's long run and boy was it worth the wait.   I had a couple of ideas of where I wanted to run but as has been the case these past few weeks I've been focusing on the cadence and enjoying the act of running.  I took off on my run at about 7:50 and planned on running for 70 minutes as I had something that I needed to do at 10.   By about 20 minutes I was hitting my stride, I'm still slower than a turtle, and it felt so damn good.  And it wasn't a temporary kept going until the end.  Running seemed easy and wasn't any work.  It's on of those runs that you wished would never end or you could bottle up and drink before your next run.  Even now nearly 11 hours later I've got

How about that cadence

 As I mentioned in my previous post I wasn't really sure what to do after my trail race.  More than one time, or two times, I've put a training block on my calendar only to remove it a few minutes or days later.  I'm just not there for another block of training.  Instead of that I've been concentrating on increasing my cadence.   I wasn't sure how increasing my cadence would go.  Part of me thought it would take a lot of work and it has been but almost 2 weeks in it's starting to feel more natural.  I'm not at that much talked about 180 number but I have increased into the 160's.  My sweet spot seems to be between 160 and 164.  On my long run this last Sunday I had to do a double take at my watch because the cadence I was running at felt natural.  That was 164.  I still have to think about it but it's become more of my routine.   As a result of focusing on my cadence my per mile times have come down by a couple of minutes.  I'm not setting new PR

Race is now what?!?

 Last week was my "A" race if you will.  It was a 4.8 mile trail race that I'd been training all year for...well for as long as I've been running this year!! In my previous post I had talked about some times I was seeing with the Stryd calculator.  I felt they were a bit off but if those had come true I would have been over the world to have one of them.  However a day or two before I was to run my race I was able to download a copy of the race course and input it into Stryd which gave me a more accurate time.  I believe the projected time, if I ran at that power (280 watts), would have been 51:45 or something along those lines.   Saturday morning I was feeling good.  I had a bit of toast with peanut butter and some coffee at the house and then we drove to the course which was about 30 minutes away from town.  I did a little over a half mile of warm up and then waited for the first race, an 8 miler, to go off and then we lined up and waited for 8:15.  One th