
Showing posts from January, 2021

Where has common sense gone?

As I start writing this we are one week from Trump leaving office and Biden being our new president and still I see Trump followers saying the election was stolen or there was wide spread fraud.  To that I say where is your proof? Why have we not seen proof up to this point?  I will say I believe there is fraud on both sides of this election in small amounts but not to the amount that Trump followers think there is.   If there is this widespread fraud and the election was stolen why have we not seen anything that might cause us to doubt the election?  In this day and age when people want to go viral or get social media famous.  Can you imagine what it would take to coordinate an effort like that?  Perhaps I should take a step back.  One theory I have heard is that the local county/city officials in various states (the one's that are in question...Georgia, Michigan etc) have caused this to happen.  If this has happened to put a new president in place I can't believe someone hasn