
Showing posts from May, 2021

3 Weeks of Weight Watchers (WW) and Stryd Running Plans

 I'm almost done with my third week of Weight Watchers (WW) and I got to say so far it's been great. But also at this point I think is when things will start to get hard.  I'm still less than 10 lbs lost the last weigh in, but I feel like it will come.  I'm not starving by any means and I feel like I get to eat what I want. Mentally at times it's a bit hard to not chow down on 4 pieces of pizza BUT it's better than not having it.  Also at times I have a hard time eating things that are higher in carbs than what I've eaten in the past and what I'd still consider not the best food. But it is nice to have a piece of bread with some fried eggs.   I've also picked up the Stryd training plans for running.  I'm currently following a 10K program as I have a trail race at the end of August I'd like to PR at.  It's slightly less than a 10K (4.8 miles I believe) so I figure following a 10K program should get me to where I want to be..or at least tha